What do I need to provide for my child at nursery?
You need to supply your child with nappies, wipes and creams for babies and toddlers as required. Mid-Morning and afternoon snacks are provided however, meals are not. You need to supply your child with either hot or cold lunch and tea. A spare set of clothes clearly labelled, for all children is needed.
What time is meal times?
Lunch is at 12:00pm and Tea is at 4:00pm
How often do the children go outside?
All children go outside at least once a day, as we have artificial grass and can use the garden all year round. We have all-in-one suits, but wellies for wet days are a great help.
How safe is my child?
At Cherubs your child's safety is paramount. We are a secure building and can only enter by being let in by a member of staff. We have CCTV which monitors the garden and front door, as well as internal NurseryCam.
What if I want to take my child on holiday?
Children on our all year round contracts are entitled to 50% on a maximum of 2 ‘nursery weeks’ (from September to August). 4 weeks notice is required for all children attending Cherubs by emailing cherubs.team@gmail.com.
How do I pay?
Fees can be paid directly into the nursery's bank account, by cash or in the form of tax free childcare scheme/Government funding.
Are you open all year round?
Yes, we are open Monday to Friday all year with the exception of Bank Holidays and a few extra days over the Christmas and the New Year period.
Any other questions?
Please contact us on 01993 832773 or cherubs.team@gmail.com